(set: $betrayedTom to false)(set: $WeakPrincipal to false)
All five persons in the Principal's office had their eyes on Tom.
"His behaviour has changed lately", muttered Ms Spinnerwick.
"I wonder what's gotten into him..." her voice trailed off unconvincingly.
[[Look at Ms Spinnerwick.]]
[[Look at the principal.]]
Ms Spinnerwick grew restless as she felt everybody's eyes on her.
"I mean, he's usually very quiet. It's only recently has he been causing trouble and mischief!" she exclaimed, while flattening the sides of her dress with her open palms.
[["Trouble and mischief?"]]The Principal cleared his throat, aware of the small group's expectation of him taking charge of the conversation.
(set: $WeakPrincipal to true)
"in what ways," he muttered, then repeated in a louder voice,
"In what ways is he different?"
he addressed the question at Ms Spinnerwick, [[turning his gaze to her|Look at Ms Spinnerwick.]]"Trouble and mischief?" asked the Principal.
"Yes!" Ms Spinnerwick exclaimed. "I had no trouble in class until Tom here started making a fuss!" she said, looking disdainfully at Tom.
[["A fuss?"]]"A fuss?" Tom burst out.
"You call that a fuss??!?" his voice was laced with suppressed anger.
[["Listen! Young man!"]]"Listen, young man!" the Principal interjected, a stern index finger pointing in Tom's face.
"This is the Principal's Office! And you only speak when you're spoken to!" he affirmed.
(if:$WeakPrincipal is true)[The Principal suddenly retreated, as if he felt he had overstepped his boundary.]
[["Excuse me"]]"Excuse me" said a low voice from the direction of the door.
"What is going on here?"
A tall slim man entered into the room and joined the party huddled in the center of the office.
[[Look at Ms Spinnerwick.|Spinnerwick2]]
[[Look at the Principal.|Principal2]]"I. I was. I was just commenting upon Master Brady's recent behaviour which is distracting my class" Ms Spinnerwick stammered at first but then managed to end in an offended tone.
"Is that so..." Mr Brimstone mumbled while stroking his chin, looking around until you catch his eye.
By Ms Spinnerwick's and the Principal's reaction to Mr Brimstone, you realise he has the higher authority here. An Education Officer, maybe?
"And what do you have to say?" he asks you.
[["Yes, that's right!"|playAlong]]
[["I'm not sure that's the whole truth, sir"|resistTheNarrative]]
[[Look at Tom.]]The Principal cleared his throat(if:$WeakPrincipal is true)[, adjusted his tie].
"Good Afternoon, Mr Brimstone. Ms Spinnerwick here was reporting on Tom Brady's behaviour" the Principal said matter-of-factly, referring to Ms Spinnerwick with his open palm.
[[Look at Ms Spinnerwick.|Spinnerwick2]].(set: $betrayedTom to true)
"Yes, Ms Spinnerwick was describing Tom's recent behaviour in class", you affirm as you [[look towards Tom.|Look at Tom.]] "How DARE you!?" the Principal retorts, making a lunge as if to strike you across the face.
"That's enough, Mr Principal!" interrupts Mr Brimstone, before returning his gaze to you.
"What else would you add, then?"
[[Look at Tom.]]
[[Look at Mr Brimstone]]
[[Look at the Principal]]
[[Look at Ms Spinnerwick]](if:$betrayedTom is true)[Tom looks down sulkily, tears gathering at the edge of his eyes. Seeing Tom having given up on the situation, you decide it's not worth you getting into any trouble, so you shrug your shoulders at [[Mr Brimstone|Ending #4]].]
(else-if:$betrayedTom is not true)[Tom looks back at you expectantly, daring you to [[say the truth|Ending #1]]...]You look Mr Brimstone squarely in the face.
(if:$WeakPrincipal is true)["The truth is, Mr Brimstone, that this is not the first time that such behaviour has happened in this school, and yet they happen again because our Principal is not decisive in his punishments." you report, happy to notice the Principal being taken aback at your brashness. You await [[Mr Brimstone's response.|Ending #3]]]
(else-if:$WeakPrincipal is not true)["Ms Spinnerwick is mistaken in her claims, through no fault of hers." You notice Ms Spinnerwick being taken aback by her statement, but you keep addressing [[Mr Brimstone.|Ending #2]]](if:$WeakPrincipal is true)["Mr Brimstone," you start as you look at the Principal whose looking daggers at you, " we are also here because of a [[bullying accident|Ending #1]]".]
(else-if:$WeakPrincipal is not true)["There is no need to shelter me, Mr Principal" you acknowledge the Principal's attempt at keeping you quiet. You then address [[Mr Brimstone.|Ending #2]]]Ms Spinnerwick narrows her eyes as she nods at you, encouraging you forward.
"Apart from Tom's misbehaviour in class, that everyone is aware of" you look around you as if seeking challengers to that claim, " he also bad names Ms Spinnerwick with his friends behind her back."
You pause for effect.
"He even submits copied homework!" your statement is accompanied by Ms Spinnerwick faked disgust at this.
You look towards [[Mr Brimstone|Ending #3]] to observe the effect of your words."The truth is, Mr Brimstone, that Tom here is the victim of bullying that has been happening for the past few weeks, at the hands of Peter here."
Everyone stares at you in surprise.
"Yes, Peter has been harassing Tom day in day out, especially in Ms Spinnerwick's class, where his deeds go unheeded and indeed supported by Ms Spinnerwick admonishing Tom for misbehaviour whenever he tries to retaliate against Peter's bullying." you finally manage to say.
(if:$WeakPrincipal is true)["And what's more", you add, " the Principal here is not giving Tom the chance to speak up, further supporting the hostile environment in this class. I am scared myself, Mr Brimstone, that I'll be the next victim of bullying after my friend here Tom" you finish off as you put your hands around Tom's shoulder and pull him close for support, as a tear makes its way down his cheek...]
Mr Brimstone, frozen in place upon hearing your statement, looks the principal in the eye and quietly, but threateningly, says "May I have a word with you outside, Mr Principal". "You too, Ms Spinnerwick..." Mr Brimstone, an Education Officer, tells the suddenly silent teacher on their way out....
(text-colour:green)[You reached Ending 1 of 4, where tyou have shown to be a true friend and showed the bully's true colours. You have earned Tom's respect and knows you are a true friend...]
[[TRY AGAIN|Introduction]]"The truth is, Mr Brimstone," you manage to blurt out to the Education Officer. "that Tom's misbehaviour is my fault. I have been acting like a bully and making his life miserable any way I can - I'm terribly sorry Tom." you own up as you turn to look at Tom.
I'm jealous of you because of the friends you have in class, who never speak to me. I just want to be part of the group - I guess I was trying to attract attention."
You then turn to your teacher.
"Ms Spinnerwick, I'm sorry I had Tom disrupt your class: he was only answering to my harassment, which you never noticed."
Finally, you turn to the Principal.
"I'm ready to take any punishment you feel is due, Mr Principal".
(text-colour:green)[You reached Ending 2 of 4, where you own up to being the bully but seek to correct your ways.]
[[TRY AGAIN|Introduction]]"It is clear then", Mr Brimstone states as he eyes Tom, "that we can no longer have such disruptive behaviour in class, Tom Brady. You will apologise to Ms Spinnerwick and promise not to engage in such awful manners again. If you do, I will expect a 3-day suspension from school will be in order and that I will be notified accordingly, right Mr Principal?"
(if:$WeakPrincipal is true)[The Principal, very uncomfortable in being addressed at the end of such a harsh action, swallowed audibly, looked at the Education Officer sidways , cleared his throat yet again and blurted out "Yes, of course, Mr Brimstone".]
(else-if:$WeakPrincipal is not true)[The Principal looks the Education Office in the eye, nods acknowledgement then returns his gaze onto Tom and says "Yes, of course, Mr Brimstone".]
As all are dismissed, you walk proudly out of the office behind Tom, who looks defeated, shoulder slumped, an arm reaching up to wipe the tears off his cheeks. You grin smugly, as you can't believe how you managed to get away with bullying the sad bloke and start thinking of what harassment you can come up with next.
Someone barges past you and reaches Tom, putting their arm around his shoulder and consoling him. Another of Tom's "friends"...
(text-colour:red)[You reached Ending 3 of 4, where you thrive as the bully looking for your next target...]
[[TRY AGAIN|Introduction]]"It is clear then", Mr Brimstone states as he eyes Tom, " that we can no longer have such disruptive behaviour in class, Tom Brady. You will apologise to Ms Spinnerwick and promise not to engage in such awful manners again. If you do, I will expect a 3-day suspension from school will be in order and that I will be notified accordingly, right Mr Principal?"
(if:$WeakPrincipal is true)[The Principal, very uncomfortable in being addressed at the end of such a harsh action, swallowed audibly, looked at the Education Officer sideways , cleared his throat yet again and blurted out "Yes, of course, Mr Brimstone".]
(else-if:$WeakPrincipal is not true)[The Principal looks the Education Office in the eye, nodded acknowledgement then returned his gaze onto Tom and said "Yes, of course, Mr Brimstone".]
As all are dismissed, you walk ashamedly out of the office behind Tom, who looks defeated, shoulder slumped, an arm reaching up to wipe the tears off his cheeks. You look back at Sam, walking proudly and grinning smugly behind you. You feel guilty, you could have explained everything and yet you're letting a bully get away with it, and possibly you could be next.
You run up to Tom and put your arm around his shoulder to console him, but he's bitter about your betrayal, and shrugs you away. You stop in your tracks. Until Sam barges past you, letting out a laugh...
(text-colour:red)[You reached Ending 4 of 4, where the bully thrives and, through your weakness, you stand a good chance of becoming his next target...]
[[TRY AGAIN|Introduction]]
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