About the Journal of Interactive Narrative

The Journal of Interactive Narrative Research advances the understanding, design, and application of interactive narratives. The journal is predicated on the interdisciplinary nature of interactive narratives.  It is a home for research and practical work that intersects traditional academic disciplines and artistic forms. In addition, the journal overcomes existing limitations in the representation of interactive scholarship through the development of novel formats.  

The journal is dedicated to supporting diversity, equity, and inclusion. This means reducing inequalities and closing the gaps of inclusion in the global community. As an organization and journal, we aim to achieve gender balance, the inclusion of early career scholars in our editorial board, and a scope that is inclusive of voices outside of Europe and North America.

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In this model, there are no fees to process articles and contents can be accessed at no cost on the journal’s website. Diamond Open Access articles are licensed under Creative Commons Licenses (CC) (see the copyright notice below for details), which means they can be freely distributed and shared so that other people can build their work based on them.

Published in Collaboration with ETC Press

The Journal of Interactive is printed on-demand by ETC Press, an academic, open-source, multimedia, publishing imprint affiliated with Carnegie Mellon University (CMU). Editorial Services provided by Brad King.

Copyright Notice

Journal of Interactive Narrative publications are covered by a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 2.5 Generic License. This means that you are free to share these works as long as you give appropriate credit, do not use them for commercial purposes, and do not create derivative works. Please note that images, videos, audio files, and interactive works featured in articles are owned by their respective copyright holders. They are not included under the Creative Commons license. Accessing or using these works does not grant you any rights to them, and you cannot assume any ownership or rights to commercially use or modify these works. The owners retain all rights to their content. For more details on the copyright rules applicable to authors contributing to the Journal of Interactive Narrative, you can access the full copyright agreement here.
Published by ETC Press